Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Questions about Physical Therapy?

Here are the top 3 questions (and answers) I have fielded regarding Physical Therapy this past year. I hope that these Q/A will help you. Please feel free to post your own questions as well!

Question: Do I need a doctor's referral to see a Physical Therapist?

Answer: Minnesota (and many others) is a direct access state. This means that you can see a Physical Therapist in a period of up to 90 consecutive days without a doctor's referral. In some cases your insurance company may require a referral if you intend to have the insurance company pay for your care. You can call your insurance to check. In my experiences, very few insurance plans in my area are requiring doctor referrals.

Question: My doctor referred me to a specific facility for my Physical Therapy, but I wish to go somewhere else. The order says "facility X" only at the top. Do I have to go to "facility X"?

Answer: It is up to you where you go for your care. In the state of MN, you can take your referral to any facility that you would like to receive care at.

Question: Will I get the same care at all Physical Therapy facilities?

Answer: No. While Physical Therapists must satisfy requirements to complete a basic well-rounded education and pass the state licensing exam, most Physical Therapists in large communities will become much more specialized in one area than another. Some facilities work primarily with active people or athletes, others work with balance disorders, others work with strokes. The list can go on and on. It would be in your best interest to ask the facility what kind of patient their Physical Therapists normally work with.

Have a question? Leave us a post! We'd love to hear from you! (This is a moderated forum, so your question will go to our email account).

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